“ OCEANX” offers below Conventional Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) methods in Marine and Offshore structures.

  • ⇾ Visual Inspection (VI): Visual inspection involves directly observing the surface of a material or component to identify visible defects, such as cracks, corrosion, leaks, and improper welds. It's often the first step in the inspection process and can be conducted using the naked eye or aided by tools like magnifying glasses, borescopes, or cameras.
  • ⇾ Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT): Liquid penetrant testing is used to detect surface-breaking defects in non-porous materials. A liquid penetrant solution is applied to the surface, and after a designated dwell time, excess solution is removed. A developer is then applied, which draws the penetrant out of any defects, making them visible.

  • ⇾ Magnetic Particle Testing (MT): Magnetic particle testing is used to identify surface and near-surface defects in ferromagnetic materials. A magnetic field is applied to the material, and magnetic particles are applied to the surface. These particles collect at areas of magnetic flux leakage, indicating the presence of defects.
  • ⇾ Ultrasonic Testing (UT): Liquid penetrant testing is used to detect surface-breaking defects in non-porous materials. A liquid penetrant solution is applied to the surface, and after a designated dwell time, excess solution is removed. A developer is then applied, which draws the penetrant out of any defects, making them visible.
  • ⇾ Radiographic Testing (RT): Radiographic testing involves the use of X-rays or gamma rays to inspect materials for internal defects, such as cracks, voids, and inclusions. The material is exposed to radiation, and the resulting image (radiograph) reveals internal structures and flaws.
  • ⇾ Eddy Current Testing (ET): Eddy current testing is used to detect surface and near-surface defects in conductive materials. An alternating current is passed through a coil, generating eddy currents in the material. Changes in electrical conductivity caused by defects are detected and analysed.
  • ⇾ Leak Testing: Leak testing methods, such as pressure testing or bubble testing, are used to identify leaks in sealed systems or components. Pressure is applied, and leaks are identified by observing pressure changes or the formation of bubbles.

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